Yea! I am finally automating the date
(to a small extent, anyway). At last I can stop suffering
and sleep.
So, how many of you think that having separate millenium and
century bullets is redundant? That is (did you know that
is what "i.e" means? I thought so.), how many of you think
I won't make it to the Twenty-second Century? OK, the real
question is whether the website will make it to the Twenty-second
Century, but if a man is not his website, what is he?
Click here to answer.
April 13, 2000
I was supposed to sleep tonight, but added some more
links to the Other Web Sites page
instead. I was doing some research on the Internet
already, and just wanted to add a few more links. I really
need to reorganize that page and provide a text-only
version. Maybe this weekend.
April 11, 2000
Sorry. Sleeping tonight. See you tomorrow.
April 10, 2000
I've been meaning to update this site for weeks, but for some
reason have been sleeping instead. I apologize.
One reason I wanted to write was that I was treated to a
wonderful composition last week by the Sisters Riso the
Youngers for Piano, Four Hands, Three Years. It was quite
enjoyable. I am only sorry I did not preserve it at the
time for everyone else to hear.
Speaking of recordings, I will be putting more recordings on
this site shortly, kind of at the request of a strange woman
who came to my house, said she was my second wife, and drove
away with my cat and my snake. (We miss you, Kim!)
I also had a lot to say about movies, but I should put that in
a rant, since some readers get uppity if I write too much on
these "What's New" pages. All I will say here is that
DVD's are cool, and I am becoming too much of a movie
critic. That is, I am getting too critical of movies,
caring whether certain scenes "work" in the context of the rest
of the movie, whether some keys are much too obvious,
etc. Time was, I just sat back and enjoyed movies.
I guess this is my punishment for working at
Play Incorporated.
Have you checked out PlayTV
recently? We're broadcasting live from the NAB trade show
in Las Vegas this week.
I also hope to update the Other Web
Sites page, since I'm tired of waiting so long for all the
cute little pictures and animations to load. I also want
to reorganize the page. I might sleep instead,
though. Sorry.
And, besides, would you have known that today is the
Commemoration of Saint Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr, had I not
mentioned it on the Home Page?
(In case you were wondering, he was born around 1030 in Poland,
and was Bishop of Crakow. He rebuked King Boleslaus for his
lust and cruelty, and the king put him to death in 1097.)