Oh, just wait! Soon, these will pop up as you drag your
mouse over them.  What? You don't use a mouse?
You are a truly great person and I will do my best to
accommodate you in this silly, mouse-driven-computer-interface
world. We know how things really work,
don't we? (Wink, wink ;-)) (The punctuation police
will have to tell me how to correctly punctuate that last
parenthetical expression. Do emoticons count as actual
punctuation? No, I didn't think so. So, that should
have been (Wink, wink ;-).). OK. I think we're
straight now. See? I don't need the punctuation
police: I am the punctuation
Uhpp! There, I've gone and given away my secret project
for the Other Web Sites page.
No, don't bother going over there to check. I haven't
changed it yet, but soon, it will load faster and be
cooler. Trust me. You'll see.
Has anyone else noticed how assiduously I put two spaces
between sentences on my web site, unlike every other web site
I've ever seen? You'd think all the other Web Designers
were raised by wolves, the way the punctuate things. If I
were you, I wouldn't pay them!
I wonder if I'll merge these comments into the June 2000
What's New page I've already made. Only time will tell,
I suppose.
Why can't blinkin' IE render blinking text? I just don't
get it! (The new links on the Other
Web Sites page are supposed to blink, and they don't under
Internet Explorer. I won't say (yet) that
Microsoft is wrong, though. They've been right twice in
a row, now, and that is probably a new record for them!)
Why doesn't everyone use vi? vi rules! With vi and
TeX, I could move the world, to paraphrase (or rather, misquote)
a dead white guy, probably no longer taught in your children's
school (and why can't anyone correctly use a possessive
apostrophe on a plural noun (especially Proper) anymore?
It's enough to drive an unbalanced man like me crazy!).
Well, I think I'll get off my soap box now and get to bed.
Does anyone out there even remember soap boxes? Does
anyone even look at this page?
Let me know, you poor
slobbering soul!
The funny thing is that I decided to update the web site with
information about a concert I recently saw on TV, and I haven't
even mentioned it yet!  Ha, ha! Isn't that funny?!