You can get Performer as part of Gizmos 98, at your friendly neighborhood software store, or at any number of online stores (Play's website lists some, I think). It's only $50, and has lots of cool things in it. I like Performer the best, but, then again, I wrote a lot of it.
You can download the Performer 98 Player absolutely free from Play's website at To save space (I only get five megabytes of storage with this site), I packaged the shows without the content (pictures, effects, sounds and music) that comes with Gizmos 98. This saves me several megabytes per show. If there are any people who want to see the shows, but don't have and can't get Gizmos 98, let me know, and we'll find other ways of getting them to you. Some shows will still play fairly well without the Gizmos content. Others, like Anna's Fireworks show, are almost entirely Gizmos content, and you probably won't see anything without Gizmos.
For those of you not using Windows, I commend and salute you. Unfortunately, the ONE drawback of not using Windows is that you can't see Performer shows.
Gizmos, Performer 98 and their logos are cool and thus trademarks of Play
Play is a registered trademark of Play Incorporated.
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation
All content copyright (c) 1999 Thomas A. Riso.
All Rights Reserved.