Here is a joke I made up the other day. Daddy said it is funnier than any knock-knock joke he ever made up, at 4 or 34 years old.
- Knock-knock.
- Who's there?
- Knock-knock.
- Who's there?
- Knock-knock.
- Who's there?
- Don't you get it? My name is "Knock-knock"!
To play it, you need Gizmos 98, but Daddy says it's really cool and really
inexpensive, so you should have it any way. ;)
Then, just download the file by clicking on the link (depending on your broswer,
you might need to right-click) and telling your browser to save it to disk.
Run the file, and you can see my show!
Ghost picture copyright (c) 1999 Jennifer Vance Trup.
Knock-knock joke copyright (c) 2000 Anna E. Riso.
All other content copyright (c) 1999 - 2001 Thomas A. Riso.
All Rights Reserved.