We have a new game! Try to guess what this plant in Traci's Garden is! E-mail us if you think you know. Or e-mail us just to tell us you don't know! I might put a subtle hint somewhere on the page, so look closely!
OK. I don't think people are getting this. You should e-mail us with your guess as to what the picture is. It is a real, live plant in Traci's garden. Winners get to have their names put on this list, and, optionally, to have their websites or email addresses attached to their names, so that everyone can congratulate you on getting it right. Just ask Ken. His website has seen a 20% increase in hits since I put the link here. That's hits. Not hit rate. Hits. The increase in Hit Rate is a number so large that it is on a par with the inverse chances of getting a Royal Fizzbin.
Now, technically, Ken didn't email us. He was looking over Steve's shoulder and he said, "Hey, that's ...." but that's good enough for this game. Complete rules will be provided on request. In fact, they will be written on request.
I already have another picture, just waiting to be put here, but if this game doesn't take off, we'll have to close shop and put the M.C. out of work.
We have a new Winner!
Congratulations to Mindy Vance Trup for
guessing What's In Traci's Garden!
We're really on a roll now!
Soon, I'll be able to put up that picture of Japanese Eggplant!
All content copyright (c) 1999 Thomas A. Riso. All Rights Reserved.